Friday, 11 March 2011

I wish I had my camera on hand

When will I ever learn the simple lesson of ensuring that my camera and 300mm lens are close at hand?

Late this afternoon, while driving along the Klondike Hwy en-route to Whitehorse, a lynx suddenly appeared on top of a snowbank a few short meters from the highway.  We stopped the truck in time to watch the critter saunter down the snowbank before it ventured back up where it sat and stared at us for a few seconds.  What a perfect shot that would have been - a lynx with its tufted ears bathed in full sunlight.  Sad thing is, my camera was stored in the back seat under our luggage.  Dam !!

Now that spring is around the corner I'm hoping these chance wildlife encounters will become more frequent.  No worries - my camera gear will be ready to go in order to capture those unexpected and treasured moments.

Good night 

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