Sunday, 23 November 2014

Memories of Madagascar

Verreaux's Sifaka - Madagascar, 2006

At long last I've had the opportunity to start organizing years worth of digital images that are scattered all over the place.  Sadly, I've lost hundreds due to my laziness and stubbornness - I simply ignored the advise of professional photographers and did not make the commitment to make backup copies of my images.  One image that thankfully survived my stupidity was of this sifaka taken while I was in Madagascar in 2006.  I'd love to return someday soon.
Hope all is well in your corner of the world.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Welcome back!

Grizzly Bear - Khutzeymateen Prov Park, BC

Greetings once again! 
My apologies for the lack of postings during the past year.  Enough of the procrastinating, time for some action and to finally follow what my heart, and countless friends, have been telling me all along - "Claus, get back behind your camera and start capturing the world as you see it!!!".  Stay tuned!!!
Hope all is well in your corner of the world.